Use "racist|racists" in a sentence

1. And the Western Standard is not racist, it just has a lot of racists writing for it and running it CC -- you 'Bafoon' Irony, sweet irony.

2. Christians or European Racists?

3. You're little racists!

4. Racist Couple Calls Latino Family “Beaners”, Get Blessed With The Fade On Highway [Video] Racists shall not prosper so long as people stand up to them

5. They're a bunch of racists.

6. The key difference between racist and Bigot is that racists show intolerance towards people of other races whereas Bigots show intolerance towards people of other religions, races, ethnicities, political groups, etc.

7. For Kendi, the founding director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University, there are no nonracists; there are only racists — people who allow racist ideas to proliferate

8. He has a deep contempt for racists.

9. Abortionists are the world’s most cunning racists

10. For real racists it's about white rule pure and simple.

11. In other words, he acknowledges that although “racist material represents only a small percentage of the volume of information on the Internet and that racists in cyberspace are comparatively few and far between, the Internet does act as a `force multiplier, enhancing power and enabling racists' to have influence in excess of their true numbers

12. The Alliance of White Anti-Racists Everywhere – Los Angeles (Aware-LA) is an all-volunteer alliance of white anti-racist people organizing to challenge racism and work for racial justice in transformative alliance with people of color.

13. Racists like those of the KKK spread their theories of racial superiority.

14. Racist attitudes are not simply articulated in the vicious attacks of racist thugs.

15. Antiracism teaches that white people who claim to be “not racist” are essentially racist

16. He has a hard core of support among white racists.

17. Was Jesus a racist?

18. They are not racist.

19. Faithful, admiring, and racist.

20. Communal, racist, and antisocial.

21. He's an alcoholic racist asshole.

22. He was bigoted and racist.

23. He denied being a racist.

24. Believe it or not, there are real racists in this town.

25. Betipple And blackface is racist

26. (Laughter) "Uncle Joe is racist."

27. He furiously denied being racist.

28. Will men become less racist?

29. 🔊 Racists are always pointing their Accusatory fingers at people of different ethnic groups

30. Yes, can make our Bepuddle-the-racists-into-treacle plans come true

31. The Alt right (short for “alternative right”) is a segment of the white supremacist movement consisting of a loose network of racists and anti-Semites who reject mainstream conservatism in favor of politics that embrace implicit or explicit racist, anti-Semitic and white supremacist ideology.

32. The language-Balkanizers naturally attack their opponents as racists and immigrant-haters

33. Beys Liston Mobargha RACIST Nader Mobargha of NYC Lawfirm Beys, LISTON, and MOBARGHA is a WANTON RACIST

34. “The whole Birther movement was racist

35. For years they suffered racist taunts.

36. In part, it reflected racist condescension.

37. Hearn was no ingenue or racist.

38. “These Assimilationists defined only segregationist ideas of Black biological inferiority as racist.” But by Kendi’s definition, both are racist

39. There were racist jokes made about Asians at an event that was intentionally trying to stop being racist

40. Super lying fragile racist whiny Braggadocious

41. He is a self-proclaimed racist.

42. Racists commit “hate Crimes,” so the secular fundamentalist catechism goes, and such offenses

43. Her racist attitudes infuriated her co-workers.

44. The article was full of racist undertones.

45. I find his racist views totally repugnant.

46. Post racist, incendiary, or otherwise objectionable content.

47. Opponents claim the policy has racist undertones.

48. The law was widely criticized as racist.

49. I know they were racists, I know they were sexist, but they were great.

50. I consider this to be a racist response to help a group of people who are-predominantly-racist white supremacists.

51. According to Antiracism, being “not racist” is …

52. He was expelled for making racist remarks.

53. The buildings were covered with racist graffiti.

54. The governor's racist comments enraged civil rights activists.

55. Anarchists are by definition anti-capitalist, anti-racist

56. The officers were disciplined for using racist language.

57. Bournemouth condemn ‘disgusting’ racist abuse aimed at Stanislas

58. 3 The buildings were covered with racist graffiti.

59. We had to endure racist and sexist taunts.

60. Georgia sheriff’s spokesman Appeared to promote racist shirt

61. Black players often had to endure racist taunts.

62. We're a non-sexist and non-racist employer.

63. Once again, racist attacks are increasing across Europe.

64. Climate Alarmists now proclaim that climate change is racist

65. They argue that Zionism is exclusionist and thus racist.

66. Offensive rants-racist, misogynist, or obscene - are an exception.

67. They were the victims of a vicious racist attack.

68. He's angry that people have called him a racist.

69. He was stabbed to death in a racist attack.

70. A woman had hurled racist invective at the family.

71. Germany Commemorates victims of racist shooting, 1 year on

72. Agree with us or you’re racist, xenophobic and dangerous

73. The book repudiates the racist stereotypes about black women.

74. Several people were arrested for distributing racist leaflets/pamphlets .

75. Relatives claim that a feud with white racists, which they say police ignored, points to something more sinister.

76. He is tough-talking, opinionated, downright mean, an unabashed racist.

77. Kendi: I think first and foremost, assimilationist thinking hasn’t been recognized historically as racist ideas because Assimilationists themselves have primarily written the history of racist ideas

78. Racist, colonialist and misogynist narrative Abets violence against Asian women

79. I will not tolerate any racist behavior on the plane.

80. His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism.